Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Deluxe Game Pieces Preview!
The Deluxe Game Pieces box includes five highly detailed playing pieces at three-times the size of the standard ones.
Jim Henson’s Labyrinth 2nd Print Run FAQs and Errata
The 2nd print run of Labyrinth is hitting stores and we thought we would share with you the slight differences between the old and new editions.
Goblins! Pre-production Prints for Labyrinth: The Board Game
Take a look at a photo of our pre-production prints for the Goblins! expansion for Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Board Game.
Up and Coming Goblins! Expansion for Labyrinth: The Board Game
As we get closer to producing the Goblins! expansion we thought we would talk a little about how the Goblins! will change your game.